Minerva’s Gambit – Chapter 7
Minerva's Gambit - Chapter 7
Minerva's Gambit - Chapter 7
Minerva's Gambit - Chapter Six
Minerva's Gambit - Chapter Five
"A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions." — Marcus AureliusMinerva's Gambit - Chapter Four
I am releasing the novel Minerva's gambit in the style Dickens used---a chapter at a time.The first two chapters are already posted on my site under Writings>Books. I am open…
Chapter two is now available. Just click on the main menu: Writings > Books and download the PDF. "The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It…
The novel Minerva's Gambit is now available in the Writings category under Books. The prologue and Chapter One are now available. I will be posting a new chapter bi-monthly.
One of the more bizarre discoveries in science is the concept of particle entanglement. In what Einstein famously bashed as “spooky action at a distance,” his understanding of the physical…
Harry Quinn has lost himself on the uncaring streets of Calcutta. Old by associative standards, his wisdom from a lifetime of trial had initially kept him alive; he now maintains…
Revelation vs. Reason D.Allen Gilman (A two-fall match) “So, what’s the big deal?” Peder sat on the barstool next to Two-Charlie. “A new…